Looking for suggestions for Japanese Shows and Movies that depict modern day life and therefore exhibit natural and modern conversations.

My journey so far has been filled with a lot of anime and period dramas, and while they’ve been fantastic for immersing myself in the language, I’ve noticed they tend to include a lot of fantasy or historical elements. These can be fun, but they often use language that’s a bit too formal, archaic, or just not applicable to everyday situations. I’m aiming to train my ears with dialogues and conversations that mirror real life in Japan today—how people actually talk in offices, cafes, on the streets, etc.

Does anyone have suggestions for shows or movies that depict contemporary Japanese life? I’m looking for content where the characters engage in natural and modern conversations. It could be anything from a slice-of-life series to a reality TV show or even a modern drama. The goal is to get a better grasp of the language as it’s spoken now, picking up on slang, colloquialisms, and the rhythm of everyday speech.

I’d really appreciate your recommendations and any tips on where to find these shows or movies. Streaming platforms, websites, or any other resources you’ve found helpful would be amazing!

by DelicateJohnson

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