New Japan Cup Results – March 17th, 2024

New Japan Cup Results – March 17th, 2024

by TheSpotlightNews

  1. Fun show today, I expected to see the opposite results. I remember Tsuji making a comment after his G1 match with Narita last year, he said the only reason why he didn’t lose was because Narita didn’t change enough, that he was just a Shibata clone. Well, today they certainly showed that Narita has changed a lot since then because he pretty much kicked Yota’s ass for 95% of the match but I still thought he would win. Thankfully Tsuji survived and made it to the semi-finals somehow. RIP to his balls though.

    Shingo’s explosive style mixed with EVIL’s schtick just works so well, the last few minutes were a lot of fun like their G1 match. (with that said: where the fuck was Naito ?) I didn’t think that EVIL would win this one because he’s the NEVER champ but then I remembered that last year Tama Tonga made it to the semi-finals as NEVER Champ as well. Tsuji should have a lot of support tomorrow, hopefully he’ll win.

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