what y’all know about that?

what y’all know about that?

what y’all know about that? from sushi

  1. That looks just like belly lox. Which is something every salmon lover should try.

  2. This is hardly sushi, OP. It would be the same thing as me posting smoked salmon or the pickled herring we have in Sweden.

  3. Not sushi but damn that looks awesome. I thought it was just smoked salmon then the thinness shocked me.

  4. This just looks super amazing I need to get this one day. Definitely not Sushi, but thanks for brining it to my attention:)

  5. Not sushi but holy shit that looks bomb, salmon is my absolute favorite

  6. Can you imagine that salmon on some avocado toast? I wish I had somewhere to get sushi grade fish near me.

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