Biggest public rules differences between US and Japan?

Hello! I know there are a lot of culture differences between the US and Japan, and have been learning more about them every day.

However, I want to know about major differences in laws regarding interacting with others in public. For example, it’s illegal to hit someone in self defense (in most cases, but I’m sure there are always exceptions). I was surprised to learn this, especially since there are so many stand-your-ground laws in varying states.

But I don’t know what any of the other major differences are. For example, I’m unsure about the laws regarding taking photos in public. I like to take a shot of this and that, and sometimes people are in the shot. I’m not trying to take photos of people on purpose or anything, just because I think it’s rude, but it’s unavoidable when visiting cool places sometimes. Is it technically not allowed? Again, in the US, I know this is fine as long as I don’t distribute the photos as part of a product (depending on the state).

What other differences are there? I’d also like to explain them to my family who is visiting this summer, just as a heads up.

Again, I’m not asking about cultural differences, such as saying “gomen” instead of “arigatou gozaimasu” when the waiter refills my waiter (in Kyoto anyways), or differences in tipping culture. I’m curious about laws regarding interactions with others in public.


by 50-ferrets-in-a-coat

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