Incoming Tsunami, take it seriously. Stay safe. 3m wave predicted at 1000.

Incoming Tsunami, take it seriously. Stay safe. 3m wave predicted at 1000.

by Minginton

  1. people around my hotel are super chill and treat it like nothing. When i showed the tsunami warning to the staff, they have no idea whats happening and what to do…

  2. I’m in the USA and have literally no idea how to get information about this.

    Thoughts and prayers for all affected.

  3. EmergencyAlert避難所情報

    EmergencyAlert evacuation information
    Kakazu Elementary School and Equatorial Elderly Welfare Center will serve as temporary evacuation centers.
    We have opened a new tar.
    Temporary evacuation site while open
    Citizens Square (opposite Ginowan City Hall)
    ・Kakazu Junior High School ・Futenma Junior High School ・Kakazu Elementary School ・Equatorial Elderly Welfare Center (Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture)

  4. the alert has been change to advisory, you still should avoid the coast but not high waves are expected. (Tsunami high of around 30cm in Miyako-jima)

    Just in case keep paying attention in case the alert changes again

  5. Wait wait wait… the tsunami is 3 meters tall? Am I understanding that correctly

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