Where can i find 1 day job only where i can work on same day of interview. Part time not giving much hours during school holidays.

So i just joined a conbini part time job but they are only giving me 16 hr’s a week. They tell me a day before whether i have to come tomorrow or not. I am aware of the 1 day short term job opening on townwork and baitoru but it will take days to land them for interview scheduling and stuff. And my conbini baito only telling me day before whether i will have to work tomorrow or not does not assure me that even if i get a 1day job it wont coincidence with the conbini job.

TLDR: need 1 day partime job where i can show up on any day and work the entire day. Since my other part time job which gives me less hours only tells me a day before whether i have to work tomorrow or not. Any types of job are okay.

I wont be able to meet expenses if i dont get a 1 day job. I have holidays till April 11. So i am allowed to work 40 hr’s a week but my current baito which i joined 2 week ago only gives me 16 hr’s. I can’t leave this job as i always wanted to get inside conbini to improve my japanese faster.

Apologies for my grammer.

by blanspine

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