Cheapest or smallest phone for Felicia usage.

Hi, so I am starting to get a bit annoyed by the fact that if you don’t have an iPhone, you are kind of required to buy a phone in Japan with their price and rules to allow me to use the NFC readers for thing like passmo, my number etc…

I am looking to see if there is some device / tools / phone that would allow me to carry the lightest and smallest possible device in order to use those functionality and stop having to carry my passmo and having to ask a iphone user to scan my things.

I know there was a old docomo portable phone but it’s only available on Mercari now, and not sure if it’s still working now days, so I am looking for some recommendations other than having to buy an overpriced japanese approved phone.


Edit sorry for title, autocorrected… I ment FeliCa

by Crocsx

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