Weird request, sorry,
I’d like to practice my ability to listen & speak in Japanese, I’m not currently at a point in my life where I’m interested in learning to read/write, as it’s just a small interest/hobby of mine.
I’ve looked through the subreddits guide, but nothing stood out to me for being directed only for speaking/listening (not surprised, I feel like our goals are slightly different). Just wanted to state that I looked through it.
At the moment I’ve tried a few apps, and I feel like dualingo and anki were the most approachable for my.. wants (I think). **Would love some specific deck recommendations on anki, as I literally only have been using one, and it’s not perfect. As well as other apps or suggestions.**
**Also, I’d love if you had any online tests or quizzes you would recommend for speaking/listening** *(more likely just for listening and understanding what is being said).* I’d like to gauge my current level of understanding for reference.