Floating/Hanging Shelves?

Hello! There are some older posts about this, but I wanted to see if anyone had any new insights.

I’ve got some things I’d like to display, but it’d be much nicer to put them on “floating shelves” (the kind that attach to the wall, so they don’t need contact with the floor), to keep floor space free. But of course… after moving here I learned it’s not possible to hammer into the walls of an apartment.

From old Reddit threads I found two suggestions.

1. DiaWall, to basically build your own wall that you can nail into: https://www.wakaisangyo.co.jp/diawall/products/#product_box01

2. Wall brackets that can allegedly support a lot of weight using just staples…? https://kabebijin.net/products/list.php?category_id=17

With option 1, I’m not solving the “don’t take up floor space” issue… with 2, I guess I just haven’t seen them enough to be confident that they’ll work…?

Does anyone have experience with either of these, or maybe a ✨ secret third thing ✨? Or should I just abandon hope and get a normal standing bookcase/shelf?

by swordandspice

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