Need to grind dried fruits into fine powder for tea

So a super random request. My girlfriend brought back a few kilograms of dried plantains from Vietnam and now wants to grind them down into a fine powder to boil and make into tea. Does anyone know of a shop or service in Tokyo that can do it?

We tried with our home blender (consumer grade) but quickly nearly over-heated the machine. The plantains are fairly hard. Here is a pic: []( (Yeah, it looks like something else…) My first thought was to ask a coffee roaster, but no way they would want to mix these in a machine which is intended for coffee beans. Any ideas are appreciated!

  1. You’re going to need a burr grinder, or some type of millstone (and the workout that comes with that…). Nothing with blades. I don’t think any place would do it for you, honestly. And because they are only fairly hard, it might mean dehydrating them more to be able to do so effectively, too. Is it worth spending like 10k for a grinder for this?

  2. … are these commercially packaged? Because they don’t look like it and that’s a massive bio security risk

  3. If you can’t find some place to do it for you. And I know I’m stating the obvious, but you could try manually cutting them up before putting them in and do smaller batches periodically to let it cool down. Or just purchase a better one. My folks do this at home too.

  4. Brutally honest – looks disgusting. Anyway you can get a manual coffee grinder from Amazon for about 2,000 yen. Probably want to put them in a bag and hammer the hell out of them (etc, whatever method you have available) first to make them a bit smaller but probably works.

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