Somebody putting trash into my mailbox

So recently I had couple of interesting situations that I thought are almost impossible in Japan. First: I have ordered the parcel from Amazon to be delivered in front of my door, it arrived around 9 AM, when I went out to pick it up at 11 AM approximately, it was already gone, somebody stole it, as Amazon guy took a photo and it was indeed my door on the photo.

Today I just went up to pick some letters from my mailbox and noticed that it’s painted in white, when I went to pick inside it was stuffed with wet paper flyers, like it was taken from the thrash and put straight into my mailbox, idk wtf is this, maybe some old Japanese people are went crazy cuz I’m Gaijin or they trying to accuse me in bad trash sorting, that I do properly , idk. Have a big urge to put some security camera and see who does it, but gonna wait if that will continue, as I think those two accidents may be connected.

If that shit will continue I will need to act somehow lol, now pretty mad at that shit, and wondering who could do such things in a neighborhood where mostly old Japanese people live. Maybe some old fuck, who thought I was not sorting thrash or something.

by Shining666

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