Omagari Hanabi 2024 transportation

Hi, I will go to Japan from August 23rd to September 5th and I am planning on going to the Omagari Fireworks show. I see that all of the hotels are already fully booked. I was planning on getting the first Shinkansen from Tokyo to Akita and returning to Tokyo the next day. But now I’m not sure if this will be possible.

Is there any available transportation back to Tokyo after the show ends?
I also saw that Shinkansen tickets can be fully booked months before the event. I was planning on getting the JR 1 week pass as I was planning on spending one week in Tokyo and the other week distributing it between Kyoto, Osaka, Himeji, Kinosaki, and Akita. So all of the expensive tickets would be absorbed by the JR pass.

Is it possible for a foreigner to buy in advance the JR pass for a specific time frame and use it to reserve tickets in advance?

by geninchuni

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