Suspicious energy bill?

Went out of the country for 3 weeks in july.

Despite this, the monthly energy bill is actually a little higher than usual.

I checked the usage online and before we were averaging 8-10 kilowatts a day.

Somehow a few days after we came back it was at 20, and one of the days I was at work with just my roomate at the house and we did nothing different than usual.

Maybe there is something we are overlooking but something else makes me wonder if the energy conpany is trying to pull a fast one so they get the same usual payment despite electricity being off for 3 weeks……

Is this possible or am I over thinking things?

  1. Not sure if it’s all the time or the whole country, but I think sometimes the utility bills you get are for TWO months ago. (Not the previous month) – perhaps double check the usage period on the bill?

  2. Is the energy bill for July or is it for June?
    Was your roommate gone as well?
    Were they mining Bitcoin or something?

    Edit; the billing period usually isn’t from the 1st to the last day of the month. Is your absence period included in the billed cycle?

  3. 8-10 Kw a day is a lot. Even me that work from home with AC on all day and I still don’t use that much. Probably 6 – 7at max.

    Cant you check online which time of the day you use consume the most energy?

  4. Do you also find things move around your house or food sometimes goes missing?

    Check you lofts and crawl spaces for anyone else living in your house. It’s been reported to have happened a few times in Japan.

    Hopefully it’s not the case but thought best to mention it just in case!

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