Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 04, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. Posting this because I dont have enough karma for the subreddit

    How to say “I love you”


    I’m currently super early in my journey to learn japanese but I have a slightly more “in depth” question as far as I can tell.

    I soon plan to ask my girlfriend to marry me. (We have talked about marriage before so it won’t be much of a surprise to her) She is a Japanese immigrant to the USA and i want to tell her I love her in her home language. I have started learning some basic Japanese with her and she finds it really endearing when I try to speak native language. Is there any guidance or anything on this? I have looked up a few options but I’m still unsure as to the “authenticity” of each way.

    Edit: this is part of what I will say when propose.

    Also I’m sorry if I broke any rules. I couldn’t find anything specific for this scenario.

  2. would 下水路 (underground waterway) be かすいろ? I’m not sure how 下 as an prefix works

  3. Hello everyone, I came here to ask if anyone knows of card games aimed at studying/practice Japanese? Specifically ones that are made for this exact purpose/are natively Japanese (not translated)

  4. Can someone help clarify the use of の in [this song lyric](https://youtu.be/1Nj5BZMJ_h8?t=145)? ( u/morgawr_’s link and timestamp are exactly it, thanks)


    Is it broken down like “こんな(悲しいの)” being a noun meaning “such (sorrowful things)”? So the **[phrase]** is like ○○世界, rather than ○○の世界 ?

  5. Please check my understanding of this sentence.

    Context: There are some legends of this town being cursed, which are true (the protagonist knows this), but it’s rather inconvenient for others to believe in them for the protagonist’s purposes because people keep trying to persuade him not to go.


    I’m pretty sure I understand までに and I found tons of articles on it, but I found surprisingly little explanation of にまで online, so some of this is my guess.

    XまでにY — Y happens within the time range [?~X), non-inclusive.

    XにまでY — It has Y’ed as far as X.

    So I think this line is saying that actually everything is fine as long as the 伝承 is weakened to the point of being a 無難な昔話 by this time. までに and にまで are both modifying 薄まってる, but one is specifying the time while the other is specifying the resultant state. Is that right?

  6. Is there a term/phrase in Japanese that’s similar to “depression meal” in English (not necessarily a direct translation)? Like, a really weird/strange meal that you shoddily throw together when you’re too tired to make anything else.

    I want to talk about my shitty snacks to a friend online to segue into a convo asking about what kinds of things they make and some toppings they could recommend to spice it up. I make these things with sushi rice, furikake, and soy sauce that I wrap up in nori like a burrito, and I want it to be casually clear that I know it’s shitty and is because I have poor taste and am too lazy/time crunched to make/wrap proper onigiri 😂

    Or by some crazy chance is there an actual name for this cursed item

  7. why do we end with で in this:

    > じゃあ、こうしましょう。当日に二人でデザイン案を出し合って、さっちゃんたちが気に入った方を作るということで。

    Context: They’re deciding which plan to use when building something with さっちゃん’s family.

    I think this means something like, “Ok let’s do this. On the day (we build it) the two of us come up with a design, sacchann (‘s family) can build the one they like”

  8. What’s a really casual way to say hello to someone on the street or online? Something that has the same connotation as “what’s up” or “yo” would in English?

  9. # Basic conversations?

    I’m a 17-year old Vietnamese dude who just happens to be into anime enough to want to learn the language; so…yeah, any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

    What I’m basically looking for right now is a video that has some basic conversation in it (like two dudes greeting each other as they go to work, etc.), with enough context for me to understand what they’re saying (roughly, it dosen’t need to be perfect) and subtitles, too. Given how YouTube searches are turning up nothing and the Discord friends that I have who live there are telling me that YouTube isn’t really common there in Japan, can you guys help enlightening me in pointing me in the right direction?

    Thanks in advance, folks

  10. i want to improve on pronouncing か き く け こ。 most of them all き く. it strikes me native speakers seem to approach it differently from beginner learners. like how in English tree, and three sound different. am i imagining things? any tips?

  11. can you use しょうもない in a situation where you’re laughing about something stupid without it sounding like you’re actually criticizing the person or action?

  12. Hi,I’m a french 29M, I’m gonna visit Japan in september, I have previously visited Tokyo in 2017 and now I’m gonna do Osaka/Kyoto and Tokyo.I’m trying to learn some Japanese before my trip to have a better experience with the local and maybe be more at ease with some activities.I’m currently learning Kana with the app DUOLINGO.I have learned my english thanks to Visual novel and I would like to know if Visual novel in Japanese use Kana or do they have kanji ?And same question for video games in general because I would like to pursue my learning even after my trip so why not buy some when I will be here.Thanks for you help.

  13. Hi, how can I find a resource which tells me the kind of BIDMAS order of verb conjugations, i.e., when conjugating a verb, how do I know whether to do the past tense before or after the negative, or in more complex cases, the causative and receptive etc.? Thank you!

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