Weekly Off-Topic Thread – 03 April 2024

You have a question. Maybe it’s about finance, maybe it’s about Japan, or maybe it’s about neither of those things. Regardless of the topic, you know that google is right there in the next browser tab, and you know that google can definitely answer your question. So why don’t you just change tabs? It would be so easy. Yet you don’t change tabs. Why? Because you know, deep down, that it’s going to be much more fun to post your question right here, in r/JapanFinance’s Weekly Off-Topic Thread!

Questions on any topic are welcome. That means everything from “what will the JPY exchange rate be next month?”, to “what will the JPY exchange rate be next year?”, and even “should I exchange my USD for JPY yet?”. Just keep in mind that the sub’s rules still apply, and don’t forget to give yourself the “US Taxpayer” flair if it applies to you.

by AutoModerator

  1. Just want to check if the below position makes sense:

    I don’t want to sign up to iDeCo or my company’s DC (not matching) plan (alternative is the extra money added to my monthly salary) because I don’t like the idea of my money being locked up in a retirement account when I might need it for some unforeseen reason, even if that means foregoing the various tax benefits involved.

    TL;DR I think having immediate access to your investments (to liquidate them if needed without some penalty) is more desirable than tax benefits.

    I’m guessing it’s a value judgement, just want to make sure I haven’t missed anything else I should be considering.

  2. What have you all been buying for NISA? I’m interested hearing some strategies.

    Wild theories about the future of the economy also welcome.

  3. I understand that even without a table 2 visa that tax treatment changes for gifts and inheritance after 10 years in Japan, but what is that 10 year calculation based off of? Is it simply 10 years from when my work visa was first received or something else?

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