Finally feeling motivated and like my goals are achievable

This is just something I want to express….after being depressed and directionless for years, with no motivation to continue studying Japanese…I finally kicked myself in the ass and got things into gear. Now I work at a Japanese company in Los Angeles where I hear and actually can use Japanese on a daily basis and have met a number of cool people who work in the Japanese media industry here. In addition, I finally got over my Kanji block through WaniKani, and I also just learned about the Quartet books that came out a few years ago, which seem like the obvious next step for me after Genki (something I wasn’t too sure about, as both Integrated Approach and Tobiro had big pros and cons)

So between these things, my motivation to learn Japanese is at an all-time high. I’ve decided I’m going to sign up for either N4 or N3 this year, depending on how much progress I make between now and registration day (provided that I am able to register before it fills up)

It’s nice to feel like the path you’ve set yourself on is no longer insurmountable, and actually, dare I say it, realistic with a bit of effort.

by EpsilonX

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