Tokyo Sports – The other day, O-Khan went to a cheap Japanese-style pub with a Stardom wrestler and treated her to a meal. Unagi: “He told me, ‘Next time, you owe me!’. How rude! He is not worth assessing. He has ulterior motives. So dirty!”

Tokyo Sports – The other day, O-Khan went to a cheap Japanese-style pub with a Stardom wrestler and treated her to a meal. Unagi: “He told me, ‘Next time, you owe me!’. How rude! He is not worth assessing. He has ulterior motives. So dirty!”

  1. I’m dying lmao:

    >As a reminder of his size as a man, there continues to be serious doubts about O-Khan’s ability to adapt to three-dimensional women.
    >After successfully inviting a female wrestler to dinner the other day, O-Khan made a reservation at a cheap izakaya (Japanese-style pub), which is classified on the food log as under 3,000 yen.
    >Rumors of his tight wallet were already circulating throughout the industry, but on that day, he unusually paid all the expenses.
    >However. The female wrestler, whose name is withheld to protect her honor, but who is currently active in Stardom, said, “I thought, ‘This is totally different from what I heard,’ but as soon as the bill was paid, he said, ‘Next time, you owe me!’.

  2. Again, with the G.O.A.T. O-Khan slander. Of course…. it’s Tokyo Sports. How dare they sully and besmirch the good name of GoK!?

  3. He meant for the check, get your mind out of the gutter, random stardom wrestler!

  4. I’ve previously joked that this man is rife for a me too’ing but dismissed by other redditors and told he’s “based” or “funny” or “pro sex worker.”

    We shall see

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