Choose your fighter: Chutoro or Otoro ($8.50 for either box)

God damnit. I love living in Japan. (I ate both, btw).

by punania

  1. God damn one of the hardest choices in sushi.

    Chutoro is classically the elegant choice cause of its balance of fat and lean.

    Ootoro is like the one off you get cause its singular fatty flavor but is looked down upon cause fat is just fat and there’s no nuance to its flavor. But at the same time fuck nuance fat is delicious.

    As others have said both seems to be the only logical choice.

  2. Upvote for eating both. Wow, those look super fresh. I would have crushed both too! 🙂

  3. Of course otoro is awesome, but lately I’ve become such a lover of chutoro. I love the balance of having both lean and fatty meat in the same bite and the more mineral taste of the lean meat goes so well with the fat.

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