Need guidance and advice on shipping 50 vinyl records from Tower Shibuya to San Diego

Hi everyone,

I am about to fly back to San Diego April 2nd following a 9 day trip in Japan. During this time I bought thousands of bucks worth of very delicate vinyl and cd records at Tower Shibuya (I am staying at Shibuya) Unfortunately, I Can’t fit them all into two suitcases, so I’m in a bit of a dilemma.

I could ship them back to my house internationally, or get a third suitcase and put my vinyl in the strongest suitcase where it could all fit (I have 48 records) then just put everything else I bought in the other two suitcases. I cannot stuff everything into two suitcases, it’s not worth it nor is it smart given the fragility of the items I bought.

What should I do here? Money isn’t the biggest worry it’s moreso the safety and insuring my records get home to my house safely. If the timeline for this shipping can be faster I’d be thrilled.

by FBIStatMajor

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