Are Japanese women crazy?

Reading through these forums I get the impression that Japanese women are crazy, nuts, have mental issues, dish out physical abuse, violent, penny pinchers and kidnappers. Anything I have left out?

Of course we (here on reddit) can only hear about half of a story but there seems to be a lot of posts relating to divorce and problems with relationships. Never hear about if the gaijin partner is a complete tosser though.

Any feedback on this topic?

  1. No its racist to group a whole race of women as crazy. Like with any woman of any race there are some unhinged and some fully functional

  2. This is like going to a public toilet and thinks the entire world smells like shit.

    Also we always hear one side of the story.

  3. Maybe switch to men? Once you overcome the gag reflex it’s not all bad. And if you date a guy who is a similiar size, you instantly double your wardrobe.

  4. > Never hear about if the gaijin partner is a complete tosser though.

    Who else would marry a crazy, nuts, mentally ill, abusive, violent, cheap kidnapper?

  5. The answer is no. You hear about a small percentage, usually fools who marry the first girl they meet after landing in Japan.

    Nobody starts threads about their happy life.

    You can find crazy women everywhere in the world.

  6. Are foreigners in Japan crime committing weabos?

    Reading through this forum I get the impression that foreigners are crazy, nuts, have mental health issues, cheat taxes, over stay visas, commit crimes and transmit covid. Anything I have left out?

    Of course we (here on reddit) can only hear about half of a story but there seems to be a lot of news relating to problems of foreigners in Japanese society. Never hear about if the Japanese equivalent is a complete tosser though.

    Any feedback on this topic?

  7. I know sooooo many nice Japanese women through my wife and her friends. I am sometimes shocked when I see some of the stories on here as I have never encountered that type of person.

  8. This sub is a tiny corner of the internet with a handful of unhappy Redditors posting about their unhappy marriages. There’s no point in forming generalities about a group of people based on those posts.

  9. Demanding? Yes
    Crazy? No… for the most part but every country has the crazy ones. Here the crazy just seems different because of the cultural aspects as well.

    A person in a healthy relationship is not gonna post about it here.

    There are many people though that seems to rush into marriage etcetera without really knowing the girl and that’s a recipe for disaster.

    Seems like many people just really REALLY wants the visa. And that’s the biggest mistake you can make.

  10. Are all Japanese women crazy or could it be that a *very specific* subset of foreign men who date these women are crazy?

  11. There are undeniable cultural differences that might take more work to overcome in an international relationship, but what you see here is a vocal minority that often got married for superficial reasons and come to regret that decision later.

  12. If someone complains about a relationship, more often than not, some of the important details are omitted, the events are told through the lens of bias, and the roles of fault are likely reversed. Nobody in their right mind will openly confess to DV. Reddit will destroy them.

    Most of the people posting here are foreign men, the men are more likely to be abusive, and Japan is likely to side with the Japanese spouse in most situations. These are not absolutes and there will always be outliers.

    So take everything you hear with a grain of salt. I’ve been married over 13 years and have never hit my spouse or been hit. We argue, have differences, but ultimately work through our problems, hence I’m still married.

    Some rules. Don’t marry because of kids. Don’t marry someone you picked up from a bar. Don’t marry a party animal. Don’t marry a substance abuser. Don’t marry for a visa. Marry someone you genuinely like being around and can talk to. Meet your fincee’s family and get to know them before marrying. Understanding their family dynamic is often a foreshadowing of your own.

  13. A lot of these stories come from people who got married to a Japanese women with little understanding of Japan and not being able to pick up the often very obvious red flags of crazy. Of course the sh#t hits the fan, everything falls apart, and these guys end up on Reddit looking for advice. (Probably because they still speak zero Japanese, and reading Japanese is completely out of the question!)

  14. >Never hear about if the gaijin partner is a complete tosser though.

    I’d wager that 99% of the time, he is.

  15. Remember that:

    * Only people who have issues in their relationship will chime their voice here. Most people who have good relationships don’t bother ranting.
    * You only hear one side of the story.
    * Divorce is not that uncommon, unfortunately. This is not only an issue in Japan.

  16. Nah they’re not crazy, but there is an extremely high percentage that the ones that date gaijin a lot are crazy

  17. Where are you from and how old are you? And what’s the highest education level you have obtained?

  18. Are foreigners crazy?

    Reading through these forums I get the impression that foreigners are crazy, nuts, have mental issues, racist, violent, thieves and rapists. Anything I have left out?

    Of course we (here in Japan) can only hear about half of a story but there seems to be a lot of news relating to problems with foreigners.

    Any feedback on this topic?

  19. A few things:

    1) Kaigai isn’t sending their best.

    2) These people shack up with someone who isn’t Nippon’s best

    3) Communication breaks down due to language and cultural barriers

    4) Reddit gives therapy advice

  20. Happy people usually do not need to go to reddit to pour out their happiness like miserable POS who find a partner who is also a miserable POS.

  21. If she’s willing to date someone who habitually complains on reddit then she’s not going to be sane. End of conversation

  22. Some of the guys who tell these stories are also the type of guys who say that every girl they date is crazy.

    Let’s use Occam’s razor here, shall we? Is it more likely that every Japanese girl this guy has dated is crazy…or that he is the one with the issues?

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