Tax moves before non-permanent tax residency expires?

I’ve been in Japan for 4 years on the HSP visa as an American citizen, so my status as non-permanent resident taxpayer expires next year. Additionally, my status as limited taxpayer would expire in 6 years. Are there any major tax saving moves I should consider making before these deadlines?

Some basic info about my situation:

– All investments are based in the US
– Income is from Japan seishain salary, US bank interest, US dividends
– IRA and Roth IRA in high 5 figures, taxable account in high 6 figures
– Regularly remit money to the US to invest, but never remit money from the US to Japan to avoid tax as non-permanent resident
– From my employer, I have some stock options (ISO) which haven’t been exercised, and unvested double trigger RSUs
– I have cursory interest in revoking US citizenship and naturalizing, as I am planning on retiring in Japan and would love to be free from the IRS

What I understand:

– Dividends will start being taxed next year regardless of remittance
– Capital gains were always taxed and will continue to be taxed
– I am not expecting inheritance at a concrete date, but as I understand if any it would best be received before unlimited taxpayer status kicks in

As far as I know, there is nothing in particular I should do, but I would be happy to be corrected.

by metakirby5

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