Child of a Japanese national visa

Hi, my mother passed away last year and was a japanese national at the time of her death and much prior to me even being born, my mother was ethnically South Korean and was born in Tokyo since my grandma was originally born in South Korea but was forced to move to japan during the Korean War, my mother gained her Japanese passport through marrying a Japanese man in japan prior to her marriage with my father in the UK, I’ve done some research on this visa and found that I need proof of her being a national by showing the koseki with her name on it, I never had a conversation with my mother while she was alive about this and honestly never knew it was a thing so I asked my grandmother and it seems there isn’t one for her (?) Is it possibly because she was ethnically Korean despite being born in japan? And is there an alternative route for proving she was a Japanese national at the time of my birth? Im not sure and could be very wrong but surely to be registered on a koseki one just must be born there with a family and you will be registered on one?

by Green_Ear8497

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