Unsolicited Amazon packages

For the past 2 weeks, my wife received three unsolicited and random packages from an unknown sender and it’s creeping us out. They were neither gifts nor were requested by mistake. Her Amazon account and credit card weren’t touched. We’ve already called Amazon Japan help desk and they said that the packages were sent by the same Japanese person. However, they said that they cannot give us the name of the sender (privacy policy, I suppose). We’re planning on reporting this to the police to stop the packages.

Has anybody experienced this before? Why do you think this is happening? More importantly, how did you stop the packages from coming?

Also, my wife and I just moved into our new apartment and were just on our second month when the packages started coming. I wonder how they learned about our address. It’s starting to scare her because she feels the sender is a stalker.

by rob1nhoot

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