Recommendations: 24 day trip in July

Hello! My friend and I are taking a long 24 day trip to Japan this July (Flight already booked). We haven’t fully decided where to go and what to do yet and are looking for some personal recommendations for cool activities and places. Of course I don’t want people here to plan my trip, more something like: „I went to festival X last year. It was super fun“

Both of us have been to Japan before. He has done the classic Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka-Himeji tour before with Kumano Kodo in between. I lived in Japan before and traveled Kansai, Hokuriku, Japanese Alps and SE Kyushu. I also speak some Japanese.

For this trip we have some ideas already. Either Kyushu or North Honshu but we seem to prefer Kyushu. We are aware that it’s pretty hot there in July.
So far some ideas we had:
– Tokyo and Osaka a few days to meet friends
– Hiroshima 2 days (a must)
– Fukuoka and do a cycling trip outside town.
– Mt. Aso. How’s a hike to top?
– Sakurajima
– at least one Onsen visit

July is usually the month of summer festivals. So if you’re aware of some cool ones I’d appreciate it.
Museums are not our thing but we like Japanese Culture.

by Shinxu

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