Major Stress Over Visa Renewal

Hello, everyone. It’s my first time posting here, so I hope I don’t break any rules.

I have been living in Japan on an “Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / International Services” visa for the past 11 years. Originally, I was a preschool teacher at an international school for the first 9 years. In 2022 I had a meltdown (due to COVID, work-related stress, and so on) and suddenly quit my job. I took 2 months off but was offered a job by my friend working at his wholesale company (working with international and domestic brands). He assured me that my job description would work with my visa (at this point I was on year 3 of a 5 year visa), so I decided to take the chance at something new. I made sure to let immigration know within 14 days of my new job, but did not apply for a certificate of authorized employment due to not properly researching this requirement.

Anyhow, now it’s been almost 2 years at the wholesale company and it’s time to start filing for a visa renewal. My boss has given my main job title as 海外取引業務 on my application form with 翻訳・通訳as other work I engage in. This is where the stress has started to take over my life. I had foolishly and naively thought that I could work any job under the International Services since that is what my visa was originally given to me for. However, under closer inspection and research, I have found that 3 years of related work experience is required for 海外取引業務…which I do not have (I guess you could say I have 1.8 years now since I’ve been working at my current company that long). I do have a bachelor’s degree.

So, I realize that this is all on me for my lack of proper research. I’m not trying to make any excuses. But…what is the likelihood that my visa renewal will be denied? The thought of 11 years of my life just going up in smoke is…depressing. I’ve spoken with a friend who went from teaching to a public relations job with no experience and had no problem renewing his visa, but I’m also not holding my breath.

by NikoKenta

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