Do you recognize the place in this old picture?

Hi there everyone

I live in Taiwan, but I will be visiting Tokyo for the first time tomorrow.
My mom just sent me this picture. I and posting here to see if anyone possibly knows the location that was taken…
My grandparents lived in Japan from 1945 until 1952, working for the civilian government. My great uncle lived there from The end of the war until 1991. He taught psychology (in Japanese) at Toho University. My mother and aunt were born on a US military base in Yokohama in 1949 and 1951, respectively.

The picture: it’s of my grandparents and my great grandmother outside of a temple. I’m not sure the year, though it would be during the time they lived there, and I’m not sure the location (actually I don’t even know if it’s Tokyo).
The only lead I have is what my mother told me, which is that she thinks it was taken at a famous temple. I also see that they are doing the Kikazaru (see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil) pose, which appears to be carved on the wood above them…
I know, this isn’t much to go on… But I just got this picture and I would love it if if on the small chance that someone recognizes it, maybe I could go there and take try to recreate the shot…

Thanks so much!

by Ok-Fox6922

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