Food Budget and advice

Hello everyone and good afternoon!

With new beginnings in April, I’m trying to make a small change in my life when it comes to food. I want to see what y’all do for food and how much money you are spending.

Last year I broke even financially which is not ideal as I generally like to save between 50k-75k yen per month. It didn’t really happen as I was out of work for a month between jobs and the kids got me a nasty bacteria infection which left me out of work for an additional month- on top of some other unexpected expenditures.

Anyway- these days I spend between 1300-1800 yen on food every day. Usually I spend 300 on a small breakfast, 600 on a quick lunch, and 800 on dinner. I generally try to eat healthier foods as I love working out and training a lot, and unfortunately this leaves me much hungrier. Recently my work and training plan has left me like 2 hours of chill time at the end of the night and I’ve been stuck in the habit of buying konbini food or sukiya because the thought of using any more of my free time to do something I don’t wanna do makes me wanna die lol.

Anyway I do plan on changing that- so I’m wondering what you guys tend to spend on food, and what you guys end up cooking that’s pretty good and fairly cheap. I’m trying to bring that cost down to about an average of 900-1300 per day. Unfortunately I can’t watch YouTube vlogs about japan because instead of showing me how to coook some good shit, they just put a bunch of stupid filler in their video and I can’t stand it.

Thanks for the help and input, I greatly appreciate it!

by CaptainButtFart69

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