Using LUUP bike share service

Thought I’d share my experience with using LUUP in Japan as it’s a great service for tourists but they make it a lot harder to pay for than it needs to be, which I imagine turns off a lot of potential customers.

Took me a few attempts to get it working without getting smashed with their admittedly high hourly rate. Hopefully this helps some fellow travellers explore Japanese cities the way they’re meant to explored.

Firstly, to sign up you need a local number. My esim was sold to me as data only, but when I went into my phone settings I noticed there was a local number listed in the esim section and Lo and behold after downloading the app and sending the verification code to it, I received a text and was able to sign up!

Next, I used a travel credit card with yen on it for my payment details. I’m sure you can use a normal credit card, but beware conversion fees if you’re just going to be using it for little hops here and there and not using the codes I mention below. Otherwise for short distance trips it’s fine, works out to about 900 yen an hour.

Now, the most efficient way to use LUUP if you’re going to be biking around all day as I did is to buy a 12 hour pass. This is where it becomes hair pulling annoying.

LUUP don’t let you use the stored card to buy these, they offer three payment options, two of which will not work. Trust me I tried many times.

I found the only way to get a 3 or 12 hour code is through Create an account on there, use a laptop with chrome so it’s all translated for you. Using an international address is fine. Order the code but ONLY get it sent to you via email.

This is where it gets weird. The first time I ordered a code it cancelled the order immediately. I tried again shortly after and it kept the sale suspended for 24 hours then cancelled the order again, no reason given. My card was not charged on either occasion.

I was so frustrated trying to find another bikeshare service (Docomo app can no longer be downloaded if your iTunes billing address isn’t in Japan) I thought fuck it, I’ll try it again. This time around it looked like the order went through, my card was charged but after 10 minutes still no code delivered. Bummer. After a few hours just as I was about to open a case with Amazon, hooray the 12 hour code hit my inbox! Happy days.

From that point onwards, every time I ordered a code, it arrived in my inbox within the indicated 5 minute time frame.

Hopefully this helps someone as zooming around Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo on their electric bikes was a lot of fun.

by _userxname

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