Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 06, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. what is the purpose of けよ at a sentence end?

    > せめてフライパンとか持ってけよ

    Context: They are asking a chef to cook a meal in a rural farm. The only cooking equipment the farm has is a pot to boil water in. The chef replies with the above line.

    I think it means something like, “at least let’s bring a frying pan”

  2. Are 左右 両側 the same?
    Also wondering if 再び is usable same as また?
    (or does it more have empsasis on second time/once more)

  3. 会話を止めた。

    in this simple example would it be とめた or やめた? I know やめる is for stopping an action and とめる is for stopping an object (like a car) but this is kinda, uh which is it?

  4. Need some advice: what are some strategies to make reading more palatable? My Japanese language school placed me at N3 to begin with instead of N4, and reading has been a massive struggle. I’m finding I really, really dislike all the methods I’ve been given so far, which are mostly rote textbook passages and worksheets. I’m struggling to find motivation to try manga or readers as well due to having to constantly stop and look up things in jissho. My speaking and listening abilities are fantastic in comparison, but I really need to double down and work on my reading/kanji ability. Any tips/advice would be much appreciated.

  5. # 人の声がします vs 人の声が聞こえます

    Can these two sentences be used interchangeably?

  6. > たすかにこんな反応があったほうが、作る側にも張り合いが生まれるだろう。

    Context: Someone is eating food a chef made, and they tell the chef the food is really good. The narrator says the above.

    What even is 作る側? a “create side”?

    I think the rest says, “As you would think of such a reaction, [???] something worth doing is born.”

  7. **Could somebody please help me what does もの凄い自己主張とともに mean in this context?**
    (I can only guess: ” they also looks like they’re very proud of themself” ?)

    Context: A girl suddenly hugged the protagonist. Here’s his inner thought:

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