Is this a stupid idea?

Hello internet, I am wondering if this is a stupid idea or if you’ve ever done something this potentially stupid. So my Japanese is around N3, maybe weak N2, and i’m considering taking hip hop dance classes in Japan (Tokyo area). I thought cause dance is very visual it might not be a terrible idea, but i’m unsure. I’m very beginner at it and i’ve never done hip hop specifically. I guess my main concern is not being able to understand the teacher’s instructions. But I thought it might also be a good way to try and make friends while I continue to study Japanese. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated, or if you have a specific dance studio you’d recommend, that’d be great too. Thank you!

  1. Go for it. But be prepared to listen to a great deal of wildly inappropriate lyrics that no else one follows but you 🙂

  2. I only ever studied as far as N2 but never had a problem understanding gym Bodycombat or Zumba class instructors.

    Hip hop dance is probably a good bit more involved than that, but perhaps do a trial lesson, figure out the vocabulary necessary and memorise.

  3. Can’t hurt to give it a try! Do you already have interest/hobby in dancing?

    The bulk of local friends I made here were from simply continuing my hobby (skating), and while I understood basic day-to-day conversations, just listening to them ramble helped build my speaking confidence a lot. Also after awhile trying to explain moves to each other taught me a lot of more specific vocab I wouldn’t have otherwise learnt (I don’t study the language).

  4. This is in fact a wonderful idea. Some hip hop dance studios I hear are really advanced and don’t teach that much (from what I hear). Maybe you could try a couple and see which one you like the best? For reference, i made all of my Japanese friends here because I started going to a tennis school. My Japanese was OK then. It is good now. And now I have a lot of friends here and a rich social life. It did take half a year to a year before I got lucky and met someone that introduced me to the tennis community though! I hope you try the dance class!

  5. I took a salsa dance class and though I did have a problem understanding all of the instructions it was doable. As others are suggesting it’s good for your learning as well. I started taking yoga a few months ago and at this point I understand basically everything in class. It’s helpful!

  6. I never really got the idea of studying a language to be able to do some activities. I mean yeah I get it but when do you know you’re ready?

    Doing the dance class itself will significantly improve your Japanese ability. Start taking those risks and if you’re really around N3/N2 then you should be diving head first into most situations

  7. I take a dance class in Japanese and I’m N3. At first I didn’t really know what my teacher was trying to say to me when trying to fix my technique but dance classes are obviously very visual so you’ll figure it out quickly and learn lots of new vocab. Highly recommend it. Exercise and a Japanese lesson in one

  8. What’s stupid about having a hobby? Just go, have fun, make friends. If it doesn’t work out, you can always try something else, that’s half the fun! Try and fail, try and succeed, you can at least say you tried.

  9. I did yosakoi with limited Japanese and I was always glad I did. The only time I ever really got frustrated was when there would be meetings and how performances were done.

  10. Do it! Sounds like a great idea and at very worst you can stop if it is not enjoyable.

  11. Go for it. Having fun while using Japanese is a great way to learn more while also potentially making new friends.

  12. I think you’ll be fine. It’s much easier to dance through following along visually than listening to instructions anyway.

    Btw if you’re in Tokyo, I have a group of friends who get together to dance every Sunday afternoon in Yoyogi Park. You’re welcome to come join us if you want!

  13. I’m familiar with the hip hop dance scene here. You’ll be fine. Check out Noa Dance Studio.
    My wife is also an instructor there and a few more studios around tokyo. Pm me if you have any questions 👍🏼

  14. Go for it! I take all kinds of classes with native speakers and it’s a lot of fun. I was about your level when I started, now a pretty solid N2 with very good listening skills

  15. Wut?
    I went through Japanese driving school with n4 and got a JP driver’s license.
    I think you can handle a fucking dance class, lol.

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