Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Tetsuya Naito – New Japan Cup 2018 1st Round Match (11.03.18)

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Tetsuya Naito – New Japan Cup 2018 1st Round Match (11.03.18)

by MrPuroresu42

  1. Random and unrelated, but which match of theirs was the one where Naito pinned Zack in like 30 seconds and started taunting him afterward? Was it a NJ Cup match, or a G1 match?

    I remember having a good ol’ laugh at Naito directing Zack to the backstage area lol. That shit was hilarious.

  2. I’ll be pretty sad if they don’t give these guys a main event title match to reach a peak in their rivalry – while Naito has slowed down since this, ZSJ’s NJC final against Tanahashi showed it’ll have extra drama with him meticulously picking apart a guy who’s broken down, and ZSJ has the best chance of getting the title off Naito before WK

    ZSJ getting a title match anywhere else than SG or WK will suck the drama out of their clash, like every one that had stakes aside from this one and their NJC final. These are two of the best guys in the company at squeezing tension out of who will end up winning so giving them a platform to excel should make for an incredible match

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