Divorcing a Japanese partner who doesn’t want to divorce — Time and cost?

I am in the process of leaving an abusive relationship. My Japanese husband has made it clear he doesn’t want to get divorced, so a ward office divorce doesn’t seem possible. We have no children, I work he doesn’t, shared apartment under my name, utilities under his name. No cheating on either side. I don’t want anything of his, I just want to leave.

Could someone who’s been through this process give me a brief rundown of the possible cost/time commitment a divorce in this situation could take? I’m not looking for legal advice, just enough information to start planning what to do and who to contact.

I understand/speak conversational Japanese (passed N2, but my speaking is weak), but I’m not familiar with legal terminology. I’m guessing finding legal help that will work with a foreigner or also speaks English will boost the cost.

I am in Nagoya, if that makes a difference.

by alltheyakitori

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