Kazuchika Okada. Hiroshi Tanahashi. G1 Climax 28 Day 17. 4 years ago today.

Kazuchika Okada. Hiroshi Tanahashi. G1 Climax 28 Day 17. 4 years ago today.

  1. Not going to lie, I really disliked this match and its followup for the rights certificate back then. Something about Okada putting Tanahashi down ‘for good’ at Dontaku a few months earlier being followed up with these matches just didn’t sit right with me (then again, neither did any of Okada’s 2018 title matches), even under the assumption that losing the title threw him off his game. Which now that I mention it, was something also woefully unexplored — really 2018 is just a whole lot of missed potential in the main event!

    Yet now that some time has passed and I’ve seen what came after, I think it might be their third best behind only Invasion Attack and Rainmaker Shock. Definitely my favorite of their G1 matches.

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