Need Some Car Accident Help

I won’t bore you with the details but basically I was in an accident and I have some questions.

1) Can a lawyer protect you from the other person making fraudulent claims or are they there just to make everything proceeds smoothly?

2) Is it customary to agree with the repair bill as it is? Because they’re asking for repairs to a different part of the vehicle.

3) Can I request to have the mechanic go through the bill and tell me how a repair ties into the damage even though they’re seemingly irrelevant?

I don’t have insurance anymore. I’m leaving Japan in two weeks so I canceled it this month and was driving on my way to sell the car. My first accident ever.

Basically, I bumped into another car at roughly 5km per hour and there’s a small dent, however we just got the bill for 98万。 It’s a 7 year old work truck. It makes absolutely no sense. I’m not going to just run away, because I did hit him and I’m responsible for that but I’m absolutely not paying that amount. I’m hoping to find a resolution within the next 2 weeks (for their sake) so I’ve come to you guys.

by InquiryInQueue

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