3 Month Rule – Driving In Japan – Weird Situation

Hey everyone, I know stuff has been posted about this before but I can’t find any info anywhere about my particular situation.

I will be referencing this link multiple times in the post as it is the clearest information from the government on the matter. https://www.police.pref.chiba.jp/english/International\_license.html#:\~:text=re%2Denter%20Japan-,If%20you%20are%20a%20Japanese%20or%20non%2DJapanese%20mid%2D%20to,departure%20or%20re%2Dentry%20permission.

I was coming and going on tourist visas to Japan in 2023. Essentially my last visit was from September 2023 – December 2023. There was another trip earlier in the year of 2023 as well. I had gotten an IDP in January of 2023 that was valid for 1 year worldwide. I was not in anyway a resident of Japan during this time. As per the LINK, I was legal to drive for 1 year as a non resident so this was completely legal.

I returned to canada in December – January of 2023/2024 and while I was there, I got a new IDP made. I then returned to Japan late January on a WORKING HOLIDAY VISA. On this visa, I am now for the first time in my life, a resident of Japan. Reading the LINK they mention that as a resident if I go to a foreign country (i.e. canada) for less than 3 months and renew my IDP it is against the law to drive since the original entry date from my previous IDP would be the date they reference. I was gone for less than 3 months, but in my case, I wasn’t a resident when I left the country and only became one on arrival in mid January.

Referencing the LINK above, my case is essentially a mix of both 1 and 2. I THINK my IDP should be valid until January 2025, as of which I would either leave Japan, or if getting a new visa – convert my license to a Japanese one. Just looking for a bit of advice, thanks!

EDIT: emailed the JAF and I’ll get the official answer hopefully soon. Found an email after digging like crazy. On another note, not sure why yall downvote so hard. It’s like this place isn’t meant for questions…

by matthewbcd

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