Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 08, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. Need some help with this sentence

    The two of us, Maria (and I) went to Tokyo

    I kinda get why と is where it is, but if I want to say
    Maria and two others went to Tokyo

    How would I do so?

  2. 口にする has two different meanings in the dictionaries I’m using. What does it actually mean and how is it used? For reference, Jisho has to eat or to taste as the first definition. Second definition is to speak (of). How different is this word from 食べる?

  3. I’m was doing some practice trying to write and was listing steps to cooking a steak, like “first” and “next”, etc.

    So I used まず、and for the second step I used つぎに、. My friend who has passed the N3 says maybe my sentence should have been 次は but isn’t sure. I kind of get the feeling either could work? I know how ni and wa work as particles but, I have no clue if this is kind of a set expression or what even that particle after 次 is doing. Can you just say 次, at the start of a sentence like with most time words?

    I was kind of thinking that it might be the difference between like, “first off”, “first of all”, and “firstly” or something, where each really means the same thing but are just slightly different ways of saying it, but I really don’t know.

    The paragraph in question for context if in case it matters:


    (That is my stab at explaining roughly how to cook a steak in Japanese. I know some parts of it are wrong but I’m just curious about that specific part).

  4. What exactly is the と doing in this sentence?


  5. What does this translate to?

  6. This is a question from a JLPT study book.


    The answer is っぽく but what’s wrong with がちに? 

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