Parasites, worms because of sushi…

Hello, I am so ashamed of what I will talk about but I do need help.

I noticed that I have worms in my intestine since yesterday and I do not know what to do.
I have seen pictures and it might be ascariasis but I cannot confirm it as I am not a doctor.

The problem is that I am just an exchange student, and I don’t know where to go to get a diagnosis or a treatment, I am so afraid even tho I saw that it is something really common.

Two days ago I ate at Sushiro so this might be the cause… (i eat a lot of sushi because i cannot eat pork).

I don’t really have a lot of symptoms, my belly hurts a bit but I can 100% live with it; but I noticed that I don’t go a lot to the toilet.

I would like to know if someone has had the same experience as me in japan? And what did you do?
Do you know any medicine that I can buy with no prescription? (As far as I know, in Latin America a lot of people tend to take this type of medicine at least once a year “just in case”).

If I don’t do anything maybe it can disappear as its own?

Is it possible to go to a doctor here with no appointment? What kind of doctor can treat this kind of problem?

I live in Tokyo but I am leaving next week for Okinawa, and then I leave Japan the 28th march.

I cannot spend a lot of money sadly… but I have the National Health Care Insurance.
Also I am fasting this month so I wonder if there is no food in my stomach the parasite will die? (I know thats dumb..)

Thank you for your attention …

by Sudden-Macaroon-2224

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