Japan’s honey sold in supermarkets is not real pure honey despite most of them having “pure honey” labeled on them (should be illegal false advertising), it’s mixed with sweeteners (high-fructose corn syrup and sugar water), and if you read the label most of them come from China which is infamous for exporting large amount of “fake honey”.
Looking to find places in Tokyo where they sell honey that comes directly from hives.
I think 1500yen for 500g would be fair price.
edit :
– seems like the “Organic Pure honey by Nature’s Nectar” sold at gyomu super for 600 yen seems legit, I checked the brand’s background, they are one of the few Indian honey brands that passed nucleic tests. I wouldn’t say that it is the best honey I’ve had tho, it definitely has a strong taste that stays on your pallet for a long time, but that is determined by the location of hives and the type of flowers.
– Bio c bon is overpriced so I’ll skip on that
by linsekyo