Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 09 April 2024

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

by AutoModerator

  1. I got myself a betta with a 30L tank some years ago, and after some algae bloom I added amano shrimp and nerite snails. The betta died some months ago because of a tumor. Since I might have to leave Japan this summer because of a family problem back home, I’m now thinking what I should do with the remaining inhabitants. I asked the shop where I bought them, but they won’t take them back. Does anybody know a shop that takes in animals in such situations? Or maybe a Facebook group? I don’t want money for them, but want them to have a good environment to live and not end as bait or anything like that.

  2. Any suggestions on luggage that can be found in Japan that is good for traveling in Europe? All I have is a school backpack and massive international travel suitcase but don’t think either of those is going to work well.

    For more specifics I mean Italy for 10 days. Budget in the under 3万円 range preferably.

  3. omfg the covid vaccine system here is so stupid… I have a ticket I got in the mail for the next one, but because its validity period “ended” on March 31st, I can’t use it anymore???

    So… my question is, does anyone know of any clinics in Tokyo that will do the vaccine without the ticket? I remember hearing before that some places would do it…

  4. Im a resident, but need to go to Tokyo soon. I hadn’t realized that Tokyo hotel prices are fucking crazy. Any tips on booking something affordable for a single night that isn’t a goddamn capsule? Which, is also really not affordable. 10k for a tube and shared bathroom is out of control

  5. Does anyone know of a self-service car wash in tokyo that takes card/IC/Suica whatever – anything that isn’t coins?

  6. Why are 防災頭巾 bouzai zukin – disaster prevention hoods – mandatory at primary schools but no longer used at middle schools?
    In my thinking there are two possibilities:

    A) They work and prevent head injuries. If so – please let my junior school student kid also be protected (more so that we already have one from primary school – sitting useless at home now!)

    B) It doesn’t work at all and is just a big scam. Than, well, you know, stop scamming the whole nation, please!

  7. Drawbacks of quitting in the middle of the month and next job starts at the beginning of next month? Like if I decide to quit soon, and use up my remaining leaves, that would make my last day in the middle of May. Until the start of my next job in June, I would have 2 weeks of unemployment. What are the implications of these “2 weeks of unemployment”?

  8. I have family coming for several weeks, what’s the best way for them to get money to reload a Suica? (no Apple phone, so I don’t think mobile-Suica is an option). Just bring a lot of cash, or ATMs or something else with credit cards?

  9. Has anyone applied for marriage PR recently? I’ll be applying next week and just curious about recent timelines to hear results.

  10. anyone know if it’s easy to get a cab between kawaguchiko station and the chuurei pagoda? and if so, which app to use?

  11. does anyone have any jeweler recs in tokyo (any ward)

    looking to get a custom engagement ring designed because I really am not a fan of a lot of japanese wedding jewelry i’ve seen in department stores recently. bonus if they offer lab grown diamonds

  12. Is MUFG just that strict or is the local branch just nuts/lazy. 

    Tried opening an account with them but refused because I’m from North America lol? Since the tablet application couldn’t be used for certain foreigner countries, because of course, they said “ahh just wait” and ran to get the paper form. But then struggled with the instructions of their side while I filled it out. They swore up and down that I needed my Green Card to finish the application and refused to believe that it’s for foreigners married to Americans… not actual American citizens.

    I gave up and went to SMBC down the street lol. Was finished within 15 minutes and just have to wait for them to send me a final paper about taxes before it is activated. When did banks get so annoying just to open a new account? When I moved here it took like 45 minutes with the help of my boss at the time and that was it, now that I speak and read the dang language I figured it would be way simpler. Digitization (unsurprisingly) made it harder here lol

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