How are items from those imported medication sites packaged?

The TL;DR if you don’t care about the context is that I’m basically wondering if the sites’ names are plastered on the boxes they arrive in, or if they just show up in a normal cardboard box.

The context, for what it’s worth, is that I’m basically gonna be spending the three years in Japan doing research at a university. Unfortunately, I forgot to pack an extra prescription that I had refilled at a pharmacy in my home country that’s meant for a specific dental condition I have. Said condition can range from mildly bothersome to severely painful so I wanna have some backup medication as soon as possible. For that reason, I’m thinking about ordering from one of those sites that import medicine, since I’m still figuring out doctor visits here (I speak Japanese, but it’s my first time here and all that). Thing is, I’m staying at a dorm and packages are typically left with the receptionist and I really, really, don’t want anyone thinking I’m doing something illicit. So for that reason, I’m wondering if these boxes are labelled with the names of the sites or if the stuff just shows up in plain old cardboard boxes.

by Cold_Language_1724

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