Matt vs Japan / Project Uproot

I absolutely hate leaving bad reviews for anyone unless its absolutely warranted. This has nothing to do with their Japanese learning approach, but just basic business practice.

I bought Project Uproot and unfortunately didn’t utilize what they offered. That’s fine. Paid for it, didn’t use it, that’s fine no complaints. After Project Uproot, they offered a new subscription plan where you can join a classroom with a select amount of people with the guarantee of a refund if it doesn’t suit you.

This is where I have a problem. First of all, to cancel your subscription, I literally had to email their support (which was difficult to find their email address), got billed and they had to refund the amount a few weeks later. There is literally no way of canceling your subscription on their website.

As far as the refund I requested… It has been over 2 months of the support just saying “I need to see what Ken thinks” every 2 weeks of me trying to not be annoying, but at this point I’ve lost my patience.

by electronbabies

  1. Everything I’ve heard about Project Uproot just makes it sound like a scam. It’s a shame, because I think Matt has valuable insights to offer, but this stuff just makes him seem less credible to me. I used to watch his content a lot, but now I just feel uncomfortable tbh.

  2. Remember Khatzumoto’s Silver Spoon? The one that Matt used to criticize? Funny how he is essentially doing the same thing. Matt said in a conversation with Yoga that he wants to exploit whales (his own words) for money. After Yoga ditched Matt because he didn’t do what he promised with MIA, Matt partnered with a known scam artist to charge way too much money for some vocal coaching or whatever.

  3. Ken Cannon is a cancer on the language learning space and always has been. This isn’t the first time he’s scammed people. He’s an unethical, smarmy hack who sees the world as being made up of suckers he can relieve of their money. I wouldn’t touch anything he’s involved in.

    Matt seems ok. It’s a shame he’s fallen in with Ken.

  4. I would not trust a person who puts so much importance on pitch accent to the point of obsession with my money. He lost credibility in my eyes a long time ago.

  5. Ken is “rumored” to be a scammer. Everyone was saying project uproot was a scam when it came out. Why did you decide to pay for it?

  6. Matt vs Japan is a scammer who leads a cult of weebs who wanna learn Japanese without actual effort. I hope you can get your money back because it belongs anywhere but his pockets. Hopefully this will dissuade others from buying in

  7. Report them to whatever agency has competency over this type of thing in your country.

    It’s likely breaking some consumer protection law to withhold a refund for 2 months if they advertised that you could refund it.

  8. After reading all comments… Apparently I’m an idiot lol. Oh well, live and learn

  9. Report a subscription you keep getting billed to that you don’t agree to to the [FTC]( or your state attorney general. The FTC says when you contact the company you’re trying to cancel the subscription to, keep records of who you spoke to and when.

  10. I am not sure what country you live in, but you can normally challenge a financial service with your bank, and it’s not too tricky, that’s a good place to start. You just say, I want X money back from Y, and this is the reason why, and the onus is then on Y to justify why they can keep your money. Find your country’s financial service / business complaint service and write to them. It might not affect the conmen in the slightest if they’re outside of their jurisdiction, but it’s important that financial authorities are at least aware of certain scammers to help individuals in their jurisdiction. Also, it’s quite good to put a scare into conmen if an authorised, national commercial authority sends them a legalese letter. Even if it might not do a lot, might make them stop being so utterly insufferable. 

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