which is your favourite region of Japan and why?

I’m going to choose 2 regions of Japan for the preparation of my next exam at university. which one would you choose?

  1. My Japanese is toddler level but my favorite regions are Okinawa and Kyushu

    Not really a fan of the snow so sadly Northern Japan doesn’t really do it for me

  2. I like northern Japan a lot. I spent a year in Hokkaido and a much shorter time in Aomori and loved both of them.

  3. I’ve never been north of Tokyo, but I’ve traveled a whole bunch throughout the southern half of the country. Hiroshima and Okinawa are my favorites 🙂

  4. Gifu. Something about the countryside there just hits different.

    I wouldn’t pick them to study in though as I’m older and looking for chill. I’d pick Fukuoka or Kansai for more excitement.

  5. It’s a toss-up between Tokyo and Kobe. And Hiroshima. Also Kushiro. Seki City.

    I am useless. They each have their own charm. Note that I can’t pick a favorite color, either.

  6. I’d do kansai and hokuriku personally. Kansai has everything close by. It’s really convenient.

    The niigata ishikawa area has a really cool blend of old japan, flat fields and staggering mountains right by a gorgeous coast line. Throw in great skiing and onsens and you’re good.

  7. Kansai. The Kobe area has enough to keep you busy. Osaka isn’t far away if you need to turn it up a notch.

  8. Spent five years in Tohoku so i have a big bias there. Great skiing, affordable, snowside onsens and rich nature.

  9. Kyushu for the awesome coastlines, but I haven’t visited Hokkaido yet and I have a feeling I’ll love it there too.

  10. Haven’t gone to Japan yet but from videos, I like the Kyushu and Touhoku regions. I like the landscapes there and the disconnect from the heavily urbanized part of Japan. I plan to go there after Tokyo, which is a must see either way. But those two I named are my favorite

  11. Hokkaido

    I’m Canadian so I think I’d be at home there, especially during the winter festivities

  12. Shikoku. I lived in Tokushima prefecture for 5 years and I loved it. Lots of beautiful nature with all the mountains, rivers and really kind people. I miss it a lot.

  13. Touhoku.Little to no rainy season.Perfect weatherinthe summer, all 4 seasons maxed out. Cheap, quiet ,mysterious, and full of adventure.

  14. I would choose an urban city as I’m very much a city person. I liked Tokyo, but cities like Fukuoka and Kobe are lovely. Yokohama is another, I used to go there often for the Tales of Series yearly festival in Yokohama Arena. The north is too cold for me, so I would stick to kanto and further west rather than Tohoku upwards.

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