Leveraging JLPT study and example questions for cards in Anki.

With study materials like the 日本語500問, 能力試験模擬試験, 日本語パワードリル books series, I was curious if people have loaded these questions in the actual questions into anki cards for review? Did you think it was an effective use of time/study?

I feel like memorizing the questions/answers isn’t that helpful as writing up recognition cards or sentence cards without the multiple choice selections. Currently drilling through the 500問 series and some of the questions feel like Anki cards in how the book in structured. Rather than having the physical medium, was considering importing the content into a personal deck as a means to measure time studied and pass/fail.

Questions for discussion would be:

* Did you leverage example JLPT questions in your anki reviews?
* If so, what type of questions did you create or what is the layout of the card? (Sentence w/o word and multiple choice or just sentence w/o word,etc.)
* Do you think it was an effective study method?

1 comment
  1. Recently I’ve been just keeping it simple, kanji on the front and the meaning and hiragana on the back. That’s what I do atleast and personally it seems to be affective

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