this guy is the biggest loser in wrestling

great o khan is beyond mudded, he’s in the center of the earth now

going 1-2 against tanga loa is CRAZY

by [deleted]

  1. New Japan is always good to guys that stick around for a while but honestly it’s just annoying, like who are they appealing to with a Tonga Loa win. There is no interest in him wrestling Finlay again either.

  2. GOK must suffer is becoming the new “Tenzan must suffer”; my only hope is GOK gets a run with the belt like Tenzan did.

  3. I’m getting closer to cancelling my njpw world. Even though it costs bugger all the motivation to watch poor cards isn’t there.

  4. When he inherited Tenzan’s Mongolian chop, his curse was also passed down to O’Khan.

  5. Admittedly this is me playing armchair psychologist but I kinda wonder if his heart just isn’t in it atm, and he isn’t lobbying for a push or whatever. I think i read he wasn’t a fan of wrestling growing up, and he was close with Kitamura who died last year, so maybe he’s just waiting until his contract runs out. This booking is worse than Wato’s, because at least Wato had the endearing “he’s a dork but he’s trying to prove himself” arc which justified the early stuff somewhat.

  6. Tama leaving resulting in a Tanga Loa singles push. Truly the darkest timeline.

  7. Just 2 years ago, the man was saving a girl from a sicko and riding a mechanical penis in Las Vegas. It looked like the world was his oyster.

    My blind optimism is hoping that this is all part of a slow burn build to O-Khan moving up the card. Maybe. Please, Gedo.

  8. Imagine having GoK and treating him like this, dude could be a world champ with proper booking

  9. No way?

    I thought they were gonna actually start a story with him.

    What on earth could they possibly be cooking? There’s a losing streak story then there’s this.

  10. Gedo is really going out of his way to book the worst way possible after the biggest star of the last 10 years left

  11. I must have missed the part where GoK somehow became the most popular guy in the company and crowds were chanting O-KHAN O-KHAN. Must have also missed the main event O Khan feuds and now, poor guy is jobbing to Tanga Loa.

    Oh, he has always just been stuck in midcard? So why are we so bloody outraged as if it’s 2017 Naito jobbing at wrestlekingdom when everyone except the most hardcore of Okada fans wanted a Naito win?

    This sub is honestly getting to levels of bloody ridiculous.

  12. I don’t see anything past lower mid card for GoK so it’s whatever. I thought the post was about Shota Umino before I read it 😅

  13. That’s what happens when you’re more focused on being a movie star(see backstage comments from anniversary)

  14. Y’all we lost Okada a few weeks ago and today I had to watch Chase Owens, TONGA LOA, and David Finlay advance in the cup.
    Does New Japan genuinely despise GoK?????? Even with the silly KOPW title, he had to win it in a pathetic way like what the fuck…

  15. This headline sounds like it’s trying to get clicks. I agree though. Got my click.

  16. O-Khan has that “It Factor” and if he makes a solid moveset i can see him as a main eventer, but hes not being booked properly. I think he deserves to be a Global Champion at some point

  17. GoK is throwing matches so he can focus on Hololive 5th Fes (this is a joke)

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