Weekly Complaint Thread – 25 August 2022

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. I hate that houses keep windows open while running AC. (this is a pre-covid tradition)

    I hate those stupid sidewalk bumps for blind people. Ease share a time anyone has ever seen a blind person using those to navigate.

  2. So I sprayed my tatami for ticks with a can of this spray with that needle you inject into the tatami.

    Looking at the can, it holds about thirty-FIVE tatami worth of spray. That’s seriously jacked up considering common room sizes are 4.5, 6, 8,10, etc. In other words, non-divisors of 35. I’m sure the product planning people knew exactly what they were doing though by making you buy more cans.

  3. Coming back to Japan next week, the week after no COVID test requried. Goodbye several hundred dollars.

  4. Summer vacation ended and now I’m back to daily misery after two weeks of actually enjoying life.

    My girlfriend caught Covid from her mom and she’s having a terrible time of it. She can’t keep anything down, terrible headaches and cough, and last night her fever got up to 39.4 before finally backing down and was at 38 when I last spoke with her about an hour ago. Of course there’s nothing I can do but offer remote comfort and support. I hate not being able to do anything to make it easier for her and it’s really been kicking her ass.

  5. Let me set the scene: Two-way road that would be one-way in any other country, sidewalk on one side, shops on the other. A woman on a mamachari on the store side, her child on the back. They stop and the child jumps down. Mum sets off again, with her son running after her. Crisscrossing the street from sidewalk to store-side. Making two drivers brake. Mum notices *nothing*. WTF. I was with my kid in the stroller so couldn’t catch up to her, but if I see her again I’m going to tell her because I’d rather be that annoying woman than see her son being run over.

  6. Three weeks into parenting and I’m already about to break. Apart from having to help with the baby at home, I’m having to cover the duties of a coworker who went and got covid over summer break. This is the same person who always has her fucking mask off whenever she’s at her desk. Is it that hard to take the necessary precautions and not inconvenience other people because of your own stupidity?!?!?!

  7. At a carpeted public facility plastered with “No food or drinks” signs, yesterday I observed some parents give their kid some ice cream. It was hot and the windows were open, and the kid, maybe 4 years old, was a mess and trailing drips of ice cream around as he wandered around the facility. The kid soon tired of the ice cream and gave it to his mom to finish off. She did—I didn’t witness this part—and tossed the stick on the carpet, then left the facility.

  8. Cloudy = apparently no need for air conditioner on the train.

    If anyone says ‘are you in the weak aircon car?’ I am gonna rip your head off

  9. Everything hurts and I’m always tired. This is prob because I just restarted weight training again after a 6 year break. My body has also decided to start rejecting caffeine and alcohol. Can’t seem to be able to drink either without eventually shitting blood (TMI I know).

  10. I’m tired, irritable, my head hurts and I have a 3 to 4 hour meeting in 10 minutes – a perfect bloody combination…

  11. What’s with the rain in august? I haven’t been in Kanto during the summer before but is it usually this rainy in the summer? I was hoping for more time at the beach or out hiking.

  12. Got up early to play with the new Stable Diffusion AI and found out it won’t run for some reason 🙁

  13. Saw a news story about the guy from Crystal King causing trouble at a restaurant… went to his Twitter to find extremely disappointing posts and just wish I had continued on living never knowing he was like that.

  14. My online (!) university’s portal upload limit is only 6 megabytes. In one class we have to record videos of ourselves, so the file size will likely exceed 6 megabytes. To get around this, the professor has asked us to record the video, save it to a CD, flash drive, or SD card, and mail it them. As in, putting it an envelope and throwing it in the post. And any other form of submission is very explicitly not accepted.

    Like… I’m not sure I could imagine a worse and more annoying way to do this

  15. Fucking done with 暑いですね season and ready for my annual 3 weeks of good weather before entering 寒いですね season

  16. Another bicycle complaint. Why is it such madness? We have a dedicated “bike” lane and a dedicated “walking” lane on our sidewalks accompanied by the sidewalk being completely blue for bikes or completely orange for walking as well as overhead signs every 50 feet telling you which lane is which. No one follows it.

    Then, I try my best to be consistent and predictable when riding… I ride on the left side of typical sidewalks, going with traffic — I’m constantly being cut off by other people on bikes who’ve decided a sudden change of plans, where I need to slam to a braking stop; not to shame the other person but to save mine and my child’s life.

  17. Every place I actually want to move to is way out of my budget.

    Any attempt to move to a better job is met with “Experienced software engineer? We can pay you 3 million yen”

    I read a self-help book about relationships and I have realized that in most off my relationships I am the problem. Anxiety about being alone plus fear of intimacy is terrible.

  18. Fortunately my desk is getting shifted next week, but I swear the guy who next to me chain-smoked 3 Hope cigarettes the other day. Absolutely rank. Not always like that, but I hate sitting next to guys like this.

  19. I don’t enjoy eating anymore. Im rapidly losing weight and almost underweight at this point and I don’t know how to get help. I have a toddler who needs me. I’ve developed and ED and im miserable, scared I won’t be taken seriously bc I’m still just a big ol gaijin

  20. Has anyone else’s residence tax increased? For the last two years about 7,000-8,000 yen was being deducted a month, however for the past 3 months it has shot up to 17,000-18,000 a month. My pay has not increased at all in the last 3 years, in fact it is less now due to my health insurance increasing, so I have no idea why it has increased so much. I’m in Ibaraki if that makes a difference.

  21. I am cringing so much from what I am hearing about our hiring process, it is more like an emotional decision rather than a business decision at this point. Cannot wait until all goes hell with the decisions they make.

    and also I am always tired fuck

  22. Consistently shocked by the total disregard that city drivers have for ambulances. You really gonna raise your hand in apology as you cut off an ambulance, only to end up in a 5-car queue at a red light? OK buddy, hope the 3 seconds was worth it.

  23. Dentists in this country are an outright scam and I’m pumping myself up to tell him off after this procedure is done in about 90 minutes from now.

    This son of a bitch was drunk and/or hungover the last time I saw him. I swear to God. Dude was slurring his words and not speaking clearly. Then he told me he’s removing the nerve from my jaw? I actually had to break out Google translate because I could’ve sworn I misunderstood. No.

    Follow that up with the stupid jackass smearing that numbing agent on my gums to drill something else, then outright MISSING the spot where the needle was going in. I winced, he stopped. After that, he put more numbing agent, then proceeds to stick the needle between a gap in my teeth and spray my tongue with novacaine. Like, none of it actually went into the tissue. It went down the sink.

    Next, he tells me, “I’m just going to adjust your bite”, scraped my enamel with a drill and tells me we’re done.

    MF, we are not done here. I know you’re a goddamn shyster and I am gonna blow the whistle on your drunk ass. I’m willing to die on this hill.

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