Fussy eater (due to autism) and Japan

I will be travelling to Japan with my teenage son who autistic and has some sensory food concerns. He eats a varied diet and we do eat Australian-style Japanese food frequently, eg he loves karaage chicken, gyoza and some types of hosomaki eg plain cucumber. No seafood except calamari. He’ll also eat some noodle and rice dishes. He likes his food very plain however, like no sauces on the food. he won’t dip karaage chicken in mayo, won’t put ketchup on a hotdog etc.

My question is how flexible are Japanese restaurants assuming I can overcome the language barrier? Is it possible to ask for no sauce or bonito on a okonomiyaki, or for cucumber or carrot hosomaki if I can’t see that variety on the menu?

Any other tips from folk in similar situations appreciated. I don’t mind eating at some western places but would personally like to eat mostly local food when over there if possible.

by Greenwedges

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