Study Abroad Next Spring

Hey everyone! I’m gonna be studying abroad next spring semester in Japan, and I wanted to get some tips for when I’m there! Any information you think could be relevant for me to know!

For a little bit of background on myself that may be useful to you, I’m a 2nd semester sophomore, with a major on Japanese Studies. I am MtF trans, and am on a couple prescription medications like Adderall XR and Lexapro. The 3 schools I’ll end up at are either going to be Waseda, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, or Kansai Gaidai. Waseda is my target school for their full immersion language courses, and I want a Japanese school schedule over an American schedule, so I’m trying to avoid Kansai Gaidai if I can, but it’s all up to where I get accepted to for the program.

Looking forward to hearing any advice y’all have!

by t_murphy_studios

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