Introducing Kumo Novel (Still in development :P)

Hello everyone. I want to inform everyone about a new app i am currently developing aimed specifically at japanese learners, kumo novel.


TLDR: Kumonovel lets you read japanese webnovels and has an easy to use build in dictionary.


Kumo novel will let you read japanese webnovels from the website []( on your smartphone (right now only an android version, though apple is definitly on my radar too).


The most important aspect of the app is it’s build in dictionary.

Just tap a word and you get full information about the reading and meaning of the word.

It can even recognise and dekonjugate verbs and adjectives and tell you what tense the word is.


Currently i am hard at work getting the app up and running in its most basic form.

That means beeing able to search, download and read novels.


When this milestone is reached i will publish the app on android, if you don’t want to miss the moment follow me on my other social media sites, where i will post new updates on the development of the app:




Theres also a few screenshots and a first devlog video on there if you are interested \^\^


But all of this is only the first step. My goal is to further improve the app to increase its use for learning the japanese language.

You will later be able to favorite words and export them to your vocabulary-app of choice, and other cool features, that for now will still stay in the shadows XP


Do you have any other awesome feature that you want this app to have? I can’t promise anything, but i will give any suggestion a proper check and will try to implement as many usefull features as i can over time. Also just your general interest for this project is very welcome \^\^


Thank you for reading this post. See you all in the next one o/

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