Travelling out of Tokyo at the end of Golden Week

I have a question regarding travelling out of Tokyo on 6th of may – Tokyo -> Kanazawa, and I’m wondering, will it be hard to get on shinkansen (crowded)? I saw that some people’s advice to go the day before to the station and reserve ticket for the next day – is that good idea? Or shouldn’t I worry about it as it is the last day and most people will be returning to Tokyo?

Additionally, I will be with bigger luggage – 159cm, and I’ve heard that it might be difficult to navigate with such luggage on Golden Week on stations, what are your thoughts about it? I can’t use luggage shipping as I will be in Kanazawa only 1 day and my hotel did tell me that they can’t guarantee that it will be on time because of Golden Week.

by Wrong_Ad_9218

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