Wedding nijikai etiquette

Been invited to a former coworker’s wedding after party. What’s the etiquette when invited to the nijikai but not the ceremony and reception?
Should I bring gifts or money in addition to the nijikai fee?

  1. When I attended a nijikai, the attendance fee was adequate. No presents or extra cash.

  2. The nijikai fee is enough and you’re not expected to offer a gift or cash on top of that. It’s nice to pay in the exact amount as money is usually handled by friends of the couple and sorting change can sometimes get annoying if everyone pays in large bills. You’ll be asked to pay when you enter.

    Bingo is often played at the nijikai, so you may even come out of it with a small gift!

  3. Nijikai just the fee but if you are good friends you can bring a gift, nothing expensive though.

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